What initially started out as something to relieve a little boredom and to have some fun turned into one of the most beautiful experiences, one that I will carry with me forever...
I have met a lot of people in my life, and honestly thought that I would never meet the person who 'completes' me...one almost accepts that this is your life and how it'll always be...
That was until I met the most amazing man on your site, it's still fairly new but I knew from the moment I saw his eyes, (the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen) that he would take me to a place I've longed to be and bring back my smile forgotten...
I now firmly believe that it's only after you stop looking for something, that it'll eventually find you?!?
There aren't words to describe him really... he is someone/something you have to experience to understand... the most intense eyes, beautiful smile, personality like no other, the deepest of souls, a heart you can't help but love yet so mysterious that you keep coming back for more... he is my enigma!?!
Where this road leads, one can't be sure but I know in my heart that it's been worthwhile as my life has been enriched just by knowing him...
In the old end... I'll always be able to look back and smile...
Thank you!!